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  • Source: 雲林科技大學圖書館
  • Date: 2021/07/19

序號 系所 書刊名 作者 索書號 出版年 詳細館藏
1 企管系 EQ:決定一生幸福與成就的永恆力量 高曼/張美惠/Goleman, Daniel SSC/176.5/838/105 2016 館藏連結
2 企管系 卡內基溝通與人際關係:如何贏取友誼與影響他人 卡內基/詹麗茹/Carnegie, Dale SSC/177.3/8444-4/104 2015 館藏連結
3 企管系 杜拉克精選,社會篇 杜拉克/黃琇媛/Drucker,  Peter F. SSC/490.15/8445/c.2 2001 館藏連結
4 企管系 杜拉克精選,管理篇 杜拉克/李田樹譯/Drucker, Peter Ferdinand SSC/494/8445-20/c.2 2001 館藏連結
5 企管系 競爭大未來:掌控產業.創造未來的突破策略 哈默爾/普哈拉/顧淑馨/Hamel, Gary/Prahalad, C. K. SSC/494/8543/4/104 2015 館藏連結
6 企管系 基業長青 柯林斯/薄樂斯/齊若蘭/Collins, James C./Porras, Jerry I. SSC/494/8575/5/96/c.2 2007 館藏連結
7 企管系 一分鐘經理 布蘭查/強生/李毓昭/Blanchard, Kenneth/Johnson, Spencer SSC/494/8584-2/105 2016 館藏連結
8 企管系 第五項修練.II,實踐篇 彼得.聖吉(Senge, Peter M.)/齊若蘭譯/Senge, Peter M. SSC/494.2/844-2/102/v.2 2013 館藏連結
9 企管系 轉危為安:管理十四要點的實踐 戴明/鍾漢清/Deming, W. Edwards SSC/494.5/835/2/104/c.2 2015 館藏連結
10 企管系 豐田生產方式:生產管理教父的經典著作 大野耐一/謝克儉/李穎秋 SSC/494.5/8763-3/105 2016 館藏連結
11 企管系 目標:簡單有效的常識管理 高德拉特/齊若蘭/Goldratt, Eliyahu M. SSC/874.57/8354/104/c.2 2015 館藏連結
12 企管系 My Years with General Motors中譯本:我在通用汽車的歲月:斯隆自傳(簡體版) Alfred P. Sloan Jr    2017 館藏連結
13 企管系 Organizational Behavior(GE) Stephen P. Robbins;Timthy A. Judg  SSC/HD58.7/R62/2017/c.2  2016 館藏連結
14 企管系 Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers  Geoffrey A. Moore SSC/HF5439.T42/M66/1991 1991 館藏連結
15 企管系 The Great Game of Business: The Only Sensible Way to Run a Company (Revised, 20th Anniversary) Jack Stack  SSC/HF5386/S73/2013/c.2 2013 館藏連結
16 企管系 Now, Discover Your Strengths Marcus Buckingham and Donald O Clifton SSC/HF5549.5.M63/B83/2001/c.2 2001 館藏連結
17 企管系 The Knowing-Doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge into Action Jeffrey Pfeffer and Robert Sutton  SSC/HD30.2/P486/2000/c.2  1999 館藏連結
18 企管系 The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable Patrick Lencioni  SSC/HD66/L456/2002/c.2  2002 館藏連結
19 企管系 Business Model Generation Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur  SSC/HD30.28/O778/2010/c.2 2009 館藏連結
20 企管系 The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America Warren Buffett and Lawrence A. Cunningham SSC/HG4061/B84/2015/c.2 2015 館藏連結
21 企管系 Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of the Industrial Enterprise Alfred D. Chandler  SSC/HD70.U5/C5/2013  2013 館藏連結
22 企管系 The principles of scientific management  Frederick Winslow Taylor  SSC/T58.T4/A3/2014/c.2 2014 館藏連結
23 企管系 The functions of the executive Chester I. Barnard  SSC/HD31/B36/1968/c.2  1968 館藏連結
24 企管系 Regulating the cloud:policy for computing infrastructure Christopher S. Yoo and Jean-Francois Blanchette SSC/HE7645/R44/2015   2015 館藏連結
25 企管系 Reinventing business models:how firms cope with disruption Henk Volberda, Frans van den Bosch, Kevin Heij SSC/HD30.28/V65/2018     2018 館藏連結
26 企管系 Solving the Internet jurisdiction puzzle Dan Jerker B. Svantesson. SSC/K564/C6/S93/2017    2017 館藏連結
27 企管系 Regulating the cloud:policy for computing infrastructure Christopher S. Yoo and Jean-Francois Blanchette SSC/HE7645/R44/2015 2015 館藏連結
28 企管系 Reinventing business models ::how firms cope with disruption Henk Volberda, Frans van den Bosch, Kevin Heij SSC/HD30.28/V65/2018 2018 館藏連結
29 企管系 Armstrong's handbook of performance management:an evidence-based guide to delivering high performance Michael Armstrong SSC/HF5549.5.R3/A758/2018 2018 館藏連結
30 企管系 Regression analysis:understanding and building business and economic models using Excel J. Holton Wilson, Barry P. Keating, and Mary Beal SSC/QA278.2/W55/2016 2016 館藏連結
