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國立雲林科技大學圖書館藝術中心典藏品管理要點 Library Art Center Guidelines for Art Collection Management

  • 資料來源:推展服務組
  • 日期:2024/07/12

112.07.19    112年第1次諮詢委員會議通過

一、 國立雲林科技大學圖書館藝術中心(以下簡稱本館)為管理維護典藏品,特訂定本要點。

二、 蒐集範圍:


三、 蒐集方式:藝術家捐贈典藏作品,本館應致贈典藏證書,並將典藏作品上傳本館藝術中心網站公告,以昭公信。

四、 蒐集之典藏品應建立作者(及捐贈者)、品名、尺寸、類別、創作年代、典藏日期等資料。

五、 經列為永久典藏者,均須加以登錄、分類編目,並依文物型制,註寫於固定隱蔽位置,俾利研究、展覽及管理。作業流程:


六、 典藏品存放:藝術中心、典藏室、各行政單位(借展單位)。

七、 典藏品借用(日本浮世繪不在此範圍中):

1. 對借展作品應盡安全維護之責。
2. 借展作品非經本館同意不得重製、轉借。
3. 借展期間若有作品損毀或遺失,應立即通報本館。

八、 典藏品盤點:


九、 典藏品檢視:


十、 典藏註銷作業:本館典藏有下列情形之一者,得辦理註銷。應拍照備查並陳報單位主管同意後,依規定辦理註銷報廢:





Approved by 1st the Advisory Committee meeting on July 19, 2023

I. The National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Library Art Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) has established these guidelines for the management and maintenance of its collections.

II. Collection Scope:

1. Artworks mainly include traditional Chinese paintings, calligraphy, watercolors, oil paintings, prints, sketches, and crafts.

2. Outstanding or characteristic local cultural relics are also collected.

3. Digital Reproductions including foam boards, PVC, and digital posters are not included in the collection.

III. Collection Method: When artists donate works for the purpose of the collection, the Center should issue a certificate of donation and announce the collected works on the Center's website to ensure public trust.

IV. The collected items should have information such as the author (and donor), title, size, category, creation date, and collection date.

V. Items that are designated as permanent collections must be registered, categorized, and labeled in a hidden way according to the types of cultural relics for research, exhibition, and management. The workflow is described as follows:

1. A review of the items should be conducted.

2. Photos of the items should be taken to go into the university archives.

3. Items should be categorized and cataloged.

4. Items should be registered in the master book and data card.

5. Items should be stored in the collection.

VI. Collection & Storage: Art Center, Collection Room, and various administrative units (borrowing units).

VII. Collection Borrowing (excluding Japanese Ukiyo-e):

1. If internal units need to borrow collections for space beautification, exhibitions, research, restoration, or other reasons, they should apply to the Center, and fill out the "National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Library Art Center Collection Borrowing Form", and the Center should regularly check the inventory for the safety of the collections.

2. External agencies that need to borrow collections for the promotion of education, culture, or other public welfare purposes should contact the Center for application. Also,  the "National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Library Art Center Collection Borrowing Form" should be filled out as well, and the collection borrowed by them should be returned on the agreed return date.

3. Borrowing units should follow the guidelines stated below:

(1) To ensure the safety of the borrowed works.

(2) Not to reproduce or lend the works being borrowed without the Center's consent.

(3) To immediately report to the Center if any work is damaged or lost during the borrowing period.

VIII. Collection Inventory:

1. Full inventory: When the custodian changes, an inventory should be conducted to check whether the number of collections matches the number of them in the collection list. The inventory form is printed by the Asset Management Division.

2. Partial spot check: A spot check of the collections should be conducted every summer vacation to check whether the number of collections matches the number of them in collection list.  

IX. Collection Inspection:

1. When inspecting collections, the keeper should fill out the "National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Library Art Center Collection Inspection Record Form" and submit it to the unit supervisor for review.

2. If the preservation condition of the collection is poor, efforts should be made to improve the storage environment or preservation method as soon as possible.

X. Collection Cancellation Procedure: The Center may cancel the collection under any of the following circumstances. Photos should be taken for reference and, after the approval of the unit supervisor is obtained, the cancellation and disposal should be carried out according to the guidelines stated below:

1. The collection no longer meets the Center's collection principles.
2. The condition of the collection is extremely poor and cannot be restored.
3. The collection is damaged or lost due to natural disasters or force majeure.
4. The collection is stolen, robbed, deliberately damaged, or lost.
5. The collection is not suitable for continued collection due to legal or ethical considerations.

XI. In accordance with government guidelines, property insurance for valuable collections (Japanese Ukiyo-e) is processed annually.

XII. These guidelines are implemented after being approved by the Center's "Advisory Committee Meeting", and the same applies when necessary amendments should be made.
