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國立雲林科技大學圖書館藝術中心展覽申請作業要點 Library Art Center Guidelines for Exhibition Application

  • 資料來源:推展服務組
  • 日期:2024/07/12

112.07.19 112年第1次諮詢委員會議通過                                        

一、 國立雲林科技大學圖書館藝術中心(以下簡稱本館)致力於推動多元化的藝文展覽活動,以培養觀眾美感經驗,提升藝術欣賞涵養。為鼓勵藝壇優異的藝文創作者分享作品與創作理念,開放本館藝術中心展覽空間之申請。

二、 申請資格:凡從事藝術創作之個人或團體皆可提出申請。

三、 申請方式


四、 審查:


五、 檔期安排:


六、 場地使用原則:

(二)展場開放時間為每週一至週六,上午九時十分至下午五時;逢國定假 日、連假及選舉日期間及週日休館,申請者需配合本館藝術中心開放時間內進行撤佈展。

七、 運送與保險:本館提供展覽展品之運送、場地佈置與卸展服務之部份經費。如為易碎品或易變形之特殊材質,不在運送範圍內。

八、 文宣品製作:請柬、海報及宣傳資料,由展出者提供,並由本館修改或設計核校通過後製作,輸出費用由本館負責,請柬格式請參考本館格式範本。展出者自行印製之文宣資料,內容須事先經本館認可。

九、 作品圖像使用:為推廣活動及製作文宣,本館於展覽期間對展出作品有拍照、複製、影像使用之權利。

十、 其他:

(三)紙本申請請寄送「640雲林縣斗六市大學路三段123號  國立雲林科技大學圖書館 收」或親送至本館藝術中心辦公室。

十一、 本要點如有未盡事宜,由本館與申請單位主管協議之。

十二、 本要點經本館「諮詢委員會議」通過後實施,修正時亦同。


Approved by 1st the Advisory Committee meeting on July 19, 2023

I. The Art Center of the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Library (hereinafter referred to as the Library) is designed to promote diverse art and cultural exhibitions so as further to not only cultivate aesthetic experiences but also enhance art appreciation. To better encourage outstanding artists and cultural creators to share their works and creative concepts, the Library's Art Center exhibition space is open for applications.

II. Eligibility: The part of the guidelines is applicable to any individual or group engaged in artistic creation.

III. Application Method:

1. Applications made for the year that follows are accepted from January 1 to June 30.

2. The exhibition application should include the following materials:

(1) A completed "National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Library Art Center Exhibition Venue Application Form".
(2) A completed "Yuntech Library Art Center Exhibition Venue Application Exhibition Proposal".
(3) Representative exhibition work information ("Exhibition Work Photo Detail Form" and "Exhibition Work Paste Form"):

A、 Individual or joint exhibition: 10-15 photos of works are required, and each person in a joint exhibition must submit at least 2 photos of works. Also, the number of photos submitted by each person should not be more than half of the photos. For this, please refer to Appendix 3 and 4. Finally, for three-dimensional or other installations, please provide a complete planning diagram.
B、 Art groups: One copy of the album and exhibitor roster should be provided.

(4) All required exhibition materials must be submitted by digital electronic means or in hard copy form.

IV. Review:

1. If the number of art exhibition applicants exceeds the amount of scheduled exhibition period, a "Consultation Committee" may be convened for further review. The purpose of doing so is to not only discuss and determine the order of invitation exhibitions but also notify the applicant (or group) of the exhibition schedule after the review is passed.
2. Applicants who do not pass the review will be notified of the rejection by the Library, and the original review materials will be returned as well.
3. Once the applications made for exhibitions by applicants have received approval from the Art Center, they must wait two years long before they can proceed with the application again.
4. If the total number of applicants applying for exhibitions does not satisfy the required number for a planned schedule, the Library will invite artists have exhibitions showcased instead. For this consequence, a Consultation Committee meeting needn’t be convened.

V. Schedule Arrangement:

1. The exhibition period generally lasts for four to six weeks, and the exhibition time is arranged by the Library.
2. After receiving the notification, the individual applicant (or groups of applications) should exhibit on time according to the planned schedule. If they cannot exhibit at the Art Center as scheduled due to unpredictable reasons, they should notify the Library of the matter within thirty days after receiving the notification. For this reason, they cannot apply for an exhibition at the Library within one year.

VI. Venue Use Principles:

1. If an exhibited work is reported and confirmed to be plagiarized from others, the exhibition will be stopped immediately.

2. The exhibition venue is open from Monday to Saturday, from 9:10 a.m. to 5:00 pm; it is closed on national holidays, long weekends, election dates, and Sundays. Applicants need to set up and dismantle the works on exhibition or display within the opening hours of the Library's Art Center.

3. The layout of the exhibition venue should be inspected by the Library's responsible staff, and the exhibition should be set up before 5:00 p.m. the day before the exhibition starts. The works on exhibition should start to be dismantled the next day after the exhibition finishes.

4. Items unrelated to the exhibition should not be placed in the exhibition venue; after the exhibition, the exhibitor should be held accountable for cleaning the venue and restoring it to its original state.

5. If the exhibitor wants to hold an opening tea party, concert, or other related activities, they need to bear the costs themselves and coordinate with the Library.

6. The works on exhibition must be executed according to the original exhibition plan, and any changes must be approved by the Library in advance.

7. If you want to change the exhibition venue due to exhibition needs, you can do so after you consult with the Library staff and have the consent obtained from them.

8. During the exhibition period, the exhibitor and the Library are jointly responsible for the maintenance of the works on exhibition. Despite this, the Library is not responsible for damages caused by force majeure or poor structure, production, and installation of the works themselves. If there are valuable or fragile works, the exhibitor needs to install protective facilities for safety considerations and so insure them at their own expense.

9. There should be no pricing or any commercial behavior during the exhibition period. Violators will have their exhibition canceled immediately by the Library and will be permanently disqualified from having exhibitions showcased

10. If public property or equipment in the venue is damaged during the exhibition period, the applicant is responsible for compensation or restoration.

VII. Transportation and Insurance: The Library provides partial funding for the transportation of items on exhibition, venue setup, and dismantling services. Fragile or easily deformed special materials are not included in the transportation scope.

VIII. Production of Publicity Materials: Invitation cards, posters, and promotional materials should be provided by the exhibitor. However, if these items need to be modified or designed, the Library will provide the service in this regard. After these designed or modified items receive approval from the Library, the Library will have them produced. The Library will bear the cost for output. Please refer to the Library's format for the invitation format. The content of publicity materials printed by the exhibitors themselves must receive approval by the Library in advance.

IX. Use of Work Images: For the promotion of activities and the production of publicity, the Library has the right to photograph, reproduce, and use images of the exhibited works during the exhibition period.

X. Others:

1. Those who intend to apply for an exhibition, please download the application form from the Library Art Center website: https://www.yuntechartcenter.com/exhibitionapplication

2. For electronic file applications, please send to artcenter@yuntech.edu.tw, and note in the subject "Exhibition Application - (Exhibition Name)".

3. For hard copy applications, please send to "123 University Road Section 3, Douliu City, Yunlin County 640, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Library" or deliver it to the Library Art Center office.

XI.  These guidelines cannot cover all aspects and matters, and so if they are needed they will be negotiated between the Library and the applicant's supervisor.

XII. These guidelines are implemented after being passed by the Library's "Consultation Committee Meeting", and the same case applies when they are amended.
